Forage Harvesting
With our Claas 970 Harvester, Macdon Swather, Pit Tractor and hauling tractors and trailers, we are ready to tackle any job. Our harvester along with tractors and trailers are equipped with flotation tires meaning minimal ground compaction.
Fitted with tonnage / moisture meter, GPS guidance and Shredlage Cracker we can offer on the fly data collection and premium chop length. Our large pit tractor means we can pack your pit as tight a possibly needed to maximize feed quality and minimize feed waste.
NEW for 2021 we can supply silage tarps cut to length and applied by our friendly crew at your convenience.
Custom Baling and Wrapping
Our main focus has been to maximize the quality of the feed we grow for our cattle. This led us to the individually wrapped silage round bale system. We know that offering this as a custom service provides our customers with the best forage product because the analysis of our forage and performance of our cattle is proven.
With our baler wrapper combination machines we are fully equipped to tackle any sized job in sufficient time to ensure the best possible feed value. Our machines produce 4×4 round bales-chopped and wrapped in one pass. Grass silage, alfalfa, green feed, millet and barley silage, sorghum are all crops that we have baled in the previous seasons.
We can also make dry hard core 5×5 to 5×6 bales with our 958 JD baler, medium 3×3 with our Heston square or large 3×4 square bales with our Krone Baler ideal for hay and straw.
Along with custom baling we are increasingly producing more feed and straw to sell and export, working closely with haulage companies we seem to send feed further and further a-field. For more information feel free to get in-touch or check out the feed sales page.
Planting: corn,beans,canola,sunflowers
Our 32 row 1530 Case and our 32 row 1795 JD planter allows us to plant BEANS,SUNFLOWERS or CORN at 15″ Or CORN in 30” rows, with Liquid Fertilizer or inoculant banded in furrow or beside. Allowing us offering the full package deal.
in addition for 2023 we will be running a third planter with the same set up only additionally it is capable of planting canola at precision accuracy whilst offering seed saving of nearly 50%
As input costs are at an all time high we recognise the economic benefit of being able to offer the latest technology to help save money whilst producing more yield for our customers.
Tillage / Seeding
We can provide a full range of cultivation and seeding services. Our 6 meter vertical tillage Pottinger Terra Disc provides a uniform seed-bed prior to seeding.
The Kuhn accelerator 30ft Vertical tillage tool is equipped with cerrated disks for more of a chop and minimal soil disturbance approach.
We have various Seeders for many different situations.
Both 40ft and 15ft Disk Drills fitted with blockage monitors, close spacing and twin seed tanks ideal for various crop mixes.
40 foot wide tine/air drills used for cereal and bean crop seeding.
aditionaly for wet seasons or over seeding grass / alfalfa we fitted a Valmar system to our 50ft Degelman harrows for tackling the harshest seasons.
Fertilizer Application
With our 10T trailed and 4T mounted spreaders we are equipped to tackle any conditions when it comes to fertilizer application.
We have cutting edge technology due to our sectional and variable rate program, yield mapping, headland control and on board weighing this gives the most accurate results possible. Placing your fertilizer inputs exactly where you need them. Spreading widths of 80 to 130 feet, with headland control we can apply the fertilizer to exactly the rate required over the field using the latest mapping software available.
We currently work in partnership with Richardson Pioneer and Virden co-op to provide all their fertilizer custom applications.
Transportation is available apon request.
Swathing Mowing & Raking
We run 30ft Krone triple mower set up, capable of merging one swath or laying crop full width of the machine for drying down.
A 16’ trailed JD disk bine mower conditioner with front mounted mower ideal for hay production.
X2 MacDon swathers, 30’ and 36 foot cut. The double knife drive headers are capable of central or side delivery depending on the customers requirements. Wether that be 72 feet of silage or 36’ of canola. With these machines we can provide the ultimate swath to satisfy your needs.
Our Pottinger twin rotor rake creates an even and uniform row maximising Baling Efficiency and Crop Preservation during hay or silage production.
Corral Cleaning & Muck Spreading
Providing a complete corral cleaning service with our vertical beater
Bunning / Ktwo Spreaders. Up to Five available at one time (renting is also optional)
Various loading machines: ( tele-handler, bobcat, large hoe)
The spreaders make easy work of the muck or compost creating a beautiful even spread across your fields.
Cereal Crop Harvesting
We can now offer grain corn harvesting, our 8 row Geringhoff Header with stubble shredder will leave your fields in prime condition for fall tillage.
Our CX8.80, CX880 and 670 Class Lexion with 30ft straight cut macdons pluss pick up headers means we can get your harvest in before the Manitoba winter strikes.
Our large J&M grain cart means we can efficiently keep the crop away from the three harvesters.
Along with our fleet of grain trucks for delivering the products to the stores.
Heavy Rolling & Harrowing
Our 36ft Ag Shield rolls – with its levelling bars – is an ideal way to improve and maintain your grassland and reduce contamination in your forage bales or pile. Among making your fields smoother it also gives your pastures a chance to regenerate. Fitted with large water tanks for extra ballast the ag-sheild rolls really are the ultimate tool when it comes to maintaining hay land. The rolls are also good at rolling grain land to try and preserve moisture and produce a firm seedbed.
50ft Dagleman heavy harrows are perfect for a spring or fall tidy up.